Alerts are set based on your ownership definitions (see Ownership overview).

Ownership can be defined in three main ways, serving as the backbone for your alerts.

  1. All assets—owns all assets. Use this to, e.g., create a data team owner and be notified of issues on any assets to your main alerting Slack channel.
  2. Custom query—use this to select specific assets you want to be notified about using the SYNQ browser or advanced filters. This is useful for setting up alerts for specific parts of your stack such as data assets in a specific database schema
  3. Data product—use this to be notified on issues on or upstream of a data product. This is helpful for owners of data products to be aware of issues that may impact them.

Setting up an alert for a new owner

  1. Follow the steps to create a new owner and set up alerts following the step-by-step wizard: Creating an owner

Editing alerts for an existing owner

  1. Navigate to Owners and click on the owner you want to modify

  2. Click Edit owner to modify the owner name, Slack handle(s), Slack channel, or email address(es)

  3. To add additional assets to the owner, click Add owned assets

  4. To modify existing assets or alerts, click the three dots and select Edit definitions to edit the asset selection or Edit alerts to edit the alert configuration.

Configuring an alert

Alerts in SYNQ are highly configurable, so they can be set up to fit your needs.

  1. When creating an alert for an owner or editing an existing alert, you’re presented with the following settings.

  • Severity—choose which type of issues alerts will include (e.g., select Warning to be notified of warn-level dbt test issues)
  • Upstream issues—check if you want to receive alerts about upstream issues that could be impacting your data product
  • Ongoing issues—get notified about ongoing issues to ensure they get resolved (will result in more alerts). You can set a schedule to only get reminded once per day